Our vision is to give entertaining and memorable performances to appreciative audiences.

Our members take personal responsibility to work hard to achieve our individual and group potential in a supportive environment designed for continual improvement.

In our fortnightly group rehearsals our Director, Duncan Whinyates focusses on the group’s singing craft in focussed, positive and rewarding sessions to deliver the highest quality performances from members.

Much of the four part harmony that the choir sing, is based around barbershop harmony and the choir are members of The Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers and will take part in their competition at their annual convention.

Duncan Whinyates – Musical Director

Duncan Whinyates has thirty years experience singing a capella competitively and has been inducted into the British Association of Barbershop singers, Hall of Fame. He joined his local club, the Anvil Chorus as a young boy and later enjoyed many years as their director. His quartet career has earned him five British championships across three of the four different voice parts. In addition, Duncan sang lead in Reckless, the first British quartet to make the elusive top twenty at the Barbershop Harmony Society international convention and earned a silver medal singing bass with mixed quartet Hannah and the Hurricanes at the mixed quartet World Championships. Duncan also directs MaleVox, one of the West Midlands newest and exciting male a cappella groups and currently performs in the quartet Fifth Element.

About our members

“As a busy Mum with a full time job, getting time to do something just for me can be really hard. Having rehearsals every other week means that joining the chorus to do something that I love is something that is achievable and I can fit my personal practice in around my other commitments in our off weeks.” – Lizzie

“Rehearsals are always so rewarding and full of energy. I feel that I am challenged to be the best singer that I can be and learn so much from the vocal education that is provided throughout the evening. The best thing is that it feels so good after a fun evening spent with like minded friends” – Lynn

“I’ve been looking for new challenge that will push me to be the best singer that I can be, to learn more about my voice and how to continue to improve my skills – it’s great to have found a group to perform with which is dedicated to indvidual self improvement whilst being able to have so much fun.” – Andrea

“I love feeling like I become a more accomplished singer with each rehearsal. Good for the voice and the soul!” – Hannah