At our recent AGM, we had a lot to celebrate from 2024, our win at Alderley Edge Music Festival in May and of course our debut at the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers convention in October as well as our placing in our very first national competition and receiving the Phoneix Trophy for the smallest chorus with the highest marks!
However, it would be remiss of us not to note two of our members’ individual achievements during 2024.
Chorus Member of the Year 2024
This award is voted on by the entire membership and is open to all members regardless of when they join. The committee was thrilled to see so many of the members being nominated and recognised for their individual contributions in lots of different ways by their peers but as we all know, there can only be one winner and this year, our immediate Past Chair, Lynn Day, was delighted to present this award to Ellen Eccles-Cross.

As someone new to barbershop, Ellen has embraced the ethos of being a chorus member of Six Town Sound. She has thrown herself completely into chorus life on both the business end as Vice Chair on the committee and a fully invested singing member. As one member said in their nomination “Ellen exudes positivity and as I was (and still am) new to ladies barbershop, nothing was too much trouble when I asked for help/advice”
We are so proud to have you with us on this brilliant Six Town Journey Ellen – keep on being you!
Attendance Award 2024
The awards didn’t stop there either! We also have an attendance award which is again open to all members whenever they join and given to every person with 100% attendance across rehearsals. There were several members who very nearly hit the 100% achievement but sadly, at the last rehearsal of the year, the winter viruses got the better of them and prevented them from attending. Well done to our runners-up (in no particular order), Hannah Barber, Andrea Day, Chris Dickens, Ellen Eccles-Cross and Lizzie Tomkinson.
That did however leave us with two winners of the 100% attendance award and they were (drum roll please)………….
Helen James and Duncan Whinyates!
Huge congratulations to both of these awesome members. Attendance at rehearsals and performances is a key part of being a member of Six Town Sound. Everyone in the chorus recognises the impact that has when everyone is in regular attendance! Katy Sillence, our Membership manager was delighted to present Helen with her award at our last rehearsal.